Datz Restaurant Group is a staple in the Tampa Bay food market. Known for their amazingly fun, comfort food dishes, the culture around its restaurants almost precedes their delicious cuisines. From delicious treats at Dough, to savory Creole style at Roux, and Americana at it’s best with its name sake Datz, there’s a little bit for everyone.
So when we were asked to develop a series of 100 emojis based on the dishes and cocktails among all of the brands, we collectively said “Datz something we’re interested in.” The project really allowed us to flex a lot of muscles from illustration, to development and eventually marketing. We focused on a flat, more stylized version of their menu items to keep things fun and more graphic-inspired.
This project continues to expand as new menu items are introduced, holidays or trends emerge, or viral discussions grow into memes.
Not only was Dash there to create our ‘foodielicious’ Datzmoji app, but they were our saving grace in a time where we needed to refine our branding and web presence. We are so proud of the work we have accomplished and our growing future together.
– Tony Pullaro, Former Marketing Director for Datz Restaurant Group
For the mobile app, we began by identifying a selection of menu items from each location such as the Datz signature margarita, the Kelly Kapowski. After photographing from numerous positions, we were able to pinpoint the perfect angle and began vectorizing the cocktail. We obsessed over colors, meticulously styled the icon, and further, made its scalability flow easily.